So…you’ve got a great idea for a CME activity. Now what?
There is more behind-the-scenes information that needs to be in place before you drop a CME certificate.
The following presentation is designed to help you learn the ins and outs of CME so that you can be successful.
The goal is to provide CME for as many activities as possible, BUT…CME credits cannot be given for all activities.
-Hospitals are accredited by JCAHO
-Medical schools are accredited by AAMC
-Residency programs are accredited by ACGME
-Continuing Medical Education after residency graduation is accredited by the ACCME: Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
-As with any accreditation process, there are rules and guidelines, requirements, documentation, and processes that must be adhered to. Failure to adhere to process and provide complete documentation for all CME activities risks accreditation status.
Requirements for CME Activity…
-CME Activity Form
-Detailed timed agenda for live activities
-Course description, including target audience
-Goals and Objectives (can be for each module, which is preferable)
-Needs Assessment and/or CME Activity Planning document
-Gap analysis (with supporting data, documents or literature)
-Faculty bios
-Signed Disclosures from all faculty and planning members
-Type of activity: enduring materials (home study) vs. live course
-Format, platform
-Timeline for completion and launch
-Post-test for all home study activities (enduring material)
-Run time for self-study and on-line activities
-Dates and minutes of planning meetings:
-Permission to use materials that were developed/owned by other entities
-Course budget (for live courses, primarily)
CME Activity Form
-Type of CME activity
-Title of activity
-Number of hours category I CME requested
-Couse director
-Needs assessment
-Course description
-Submit to CEME 6-12 months in advance of expected course date
-Click Here to Download the GAP ANALYSIS WORKSHEET.docx
BEST PRACTICE (What should be) | CURRENT PRACTICE (What is) | RESULTING GAPS (What interventions are indicated?) | Gap Cause Deduced | LEARNING OBJECTIVE | OUTCOME INDICATED (Designed to change . . .) | OUTCOMES QUESTIONS (Match ‘Outcomes Indicated’ Column) SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW TO COMPLETE THIS FORM |
Key Point: Source: | Key Point: Source: | | K C P | | C P PO | Insert Pre/Post Question that measures designated outcome |
Insert Follow-Up Performance and/or Patient Outcome Question |
Key Point: Source: | Key Point: Source: | | K C P | | C P PO | Insert Pre/Post Question that measures designated outcome |
Insert Follow-Up Performance and/or Patient Outcome Question |
CME Activity Disclosure Form
-Must be signed by all parties involved in the activity, including planning committee, faculty, speakers, moderators, content evaluator, and administrative staff
-The nature of the financial relationships must be disclosed
-All parties must consent to the Education Activities Standards that are listed on this document
So, what’s the next step?
-Download the CME Activity Form
-You will be contacted to set up a call to discuss your proposal within the next 1-2 weeks
Respecting the CME Process….
-Please give us adequate time to process your request so that we can deliver the maximal allowable amount of CME for your activity.
-Helping us to help you will ensure ongoing EXEMPLARY status with our ACCME accreditation
Thank you for helping us continue to deliver EXEMPLARY CME!